A HPC of 64 new compute nodes, 32 old compute nodes and 01 GPU node with 04 nos. of NVIDIA Tesla K40c has been named KALINGA for the School of Physical Sciences. It has 205 TB of storage with Luster Parallel File System and interconnected with 216-Port EDR 100Gb/s Infiniband Smart Director Switch populated with 108 ports.
Old compute nodes: Based on Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2698 v3 @ 2.30GHz. Two sockets for each node (32-cores per node) with Memory: 512 GB (8 * 64 GB) per node.
New compute nodes: Based on Intel® Xeon® Gold 6248 CPU @ 2.50GHz. Two sockets for each node (40-cores per node) with Memory: 192 GB (12 * 16 GB) per node.
This cluster has been listed in the Jan-2021 top-supercomputer list in India maintained by C-DAC Bangalore. https://topsc.cdacb.in/filterdetailstry?page=30&slug=January2021
Different compilers are available on HPC as modules. Here is the list of some of them.
GNU Compilers for Serial Code
Compilers for Parallel Code (OpenMPI/MPICH/MVAPICH)
Intel Compilers
Scientific Libraries
New HPC cluster under school of chemical science has been installed and is named as Hartree cluster. Hartree cluster is inside the smart row solution.
SmartRow by itself a mini-datacenter which contains almost all the subsystem of Datacenter.
This cluster has been listed in the July-2018 top-supercomputer list in India maintained by C-DAC Bangalore. https://topsc.cdacb.in/filterdetailstry?page=30&slug=July2018
Subsystems in the SmartRow:
Hartree Cluster:
Hartree cluster is a HPC of 40 compute nodes and 2 master nodes in HA configuration.
It is based on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697A v4 @ 2.60GHz. Two sockets for each node (32-cores per node) on Supermicro SuperServer SYS-6028R-TR with 64 GB of RAM per node.
HPL Benchmarking Results (for 36 nodes - 1152 cores):
The nodes are connected by Mellanox 108 port FDR chassis switch (MSX6506-NR) that can provide 56Gbps of throughput.
It also has 230 Terabytes of storage in Luster Parallel File system with an aggregate performance of around 5GBps on write performance.
Different compilers are available on HPC as modules. Here is the list of some of them.
GNU Compilers for Serial Code
Compilers for Parallel Code (OpenMPI)
Intel Compilers
Scientific Libraries
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