Professor Gokulananda Das research award in Mathematics-2023.
Inspire faculty award by Department of Science and Technology (DST) in 2013 (Session-I).
National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) Research Fellowship, 2006 (did not avail).
(With M. K. Pandey and K. D. Shankhadhar) Koecher-Maass series have infinitely many critical zeros,Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 55 (2023), 2224--2232.
(With M. Tripathi) 4F3-Gaussian hypergeometric series and traces of Frobenius for elliptic curves, Res. Math. Sci., 9 (2022),Article no. 63.,
(With A. Kumar and K. D. Shankhadhar) On signs of Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel eigenforms,Mathematika, 68 (2022), 1030--1044.
(With M. Charan, K. D. Shankhadhar and R. K. Singh) A converse theorem for quasimodular forms, Forum Math., 34 (2022), 547--564.
(With S. K. Singh) Mod p modular forms and simple congruences, Ramanujan J., 56 (2021), 821--838.
(With A. Kumar and K. D. Shankhadhar) Strong multiplicity one for Siegel cusp forms of degree two, Forum Math., 33 (2021), 1157--1167.
(With S. K. Singh) Structure of Hermitian modular forms modulo p and some applications, Res. Number Theory,7 (2021), Article no. 52.
(With A. Kumar) Rankin-Cohen brackets and identities among eigenforms II, Modular Forms and Related Topics in Number Theory, 125--141,Springer Proceedings of Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 340, 2020.
(With S. K. Singh) Congruences in Hermitian Jacobi and Hermitian modular forms, Forum Math., 32 (2020), 501--523.
(With B. Kumar and S. Pujahari) Some remarks on the coefficients of symmetric power L-functions, Automorphic Forms and Related Topics, 155--164, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 732, American Mathematical Society, 2019.
(With S. Pujahari and K. D. Shankhadhar) Zeros of L-functions attached to cusp forms of half-integral weight, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 147 (2019), 131--143.
(With A. Kumar) Rankin-Cohen brackets and identities among eigenforms, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 297 (2018), 381--403.
(With K. D. Shankhadhar and G. K. Viswanadham) On the coefficients of symmetric power L-functions,Int. J. Number Theory, 14 (2018), 813--824.
(With S. Pujahari and K. Srinivas) Zeros of L-functions attached to modular forms of half-integral weight, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 49 (2017), 926--936.
(With M. Ram Murty) Oscillations of coefficients of Dirichlet series attached to automorphic forms, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 145 (2017), 563--575.
(With A. Kumar) On arbitrary products of eigenforms, Acta Arithmetica, 173 (2016), 283--295.
(With S. B. Sinha) Some infinite sums identities, Czechoslovak Math. J., 65 (2015), 819--827.
(With K. D. Shankhadhar) Asymptotic formulas for the coefficients of certain automorphic functions, Acta Arithmetica, 169 (2015), 59--76.
(With S. Pujahari and K. D. Shankhadhar) Sign changes of coefficients of certain Dirichlet series, Funct. Approx. Comment. Math., 52 (2015), 117--126.
(With M. Manickam and B. Ramakrishnan) Theory of newforms of half-integral weight, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 274 (2015), 125--139.
(With S. Das) On quasimodular eigenforms, Int. J. Number Theory, 11 (2015), 835--842.
(With N. Tanabe)Sign changes of Fourier coefficients of Hilbert modular forms, J. Number Theory, 145 (2014), 230--244.
(With M. Ram Murty) Sign changes of Fourier coefficients of half-integral weight cusp forms, Int. J. Number Theory, 10 (2014), 905--914.
Some remarks on zeros of quasimodular forms, Arch. Math. (Basel), 101 (2013), 121--127.
(With K. D. Shankhadhar and G. K. Viswanadham) A short note on sign changes, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci, 123 (2013), 315--320.
(With M. Ram Murty) Ramanujan's proof of Bertrand's postulate, Amer. Math. Monthly, 120 (2013), 650--653.
Some remarks on Rankin-Cohen brackets of eigenforms, Int. J. Number Theory, 8 (2012), 2059--2068.
(With W. Kohnen) Some remarks on the q-exponents of generalized modular functions, Ramanujan J., 25 (2011), no.1, 115--119.
Modular forms, L-functions.
Thesis Guidance:
M. Sc. Thesis of Jyotiraditya Singh, 2017, NISER.
M. Sc. Thesis of Sourabhashis Das, 2018, NISER.
M. Sc. Thesis of Anshada P M, 2023, NISER.
Ph. D. Thesis of Sujeet Kumar Singh, June 2020, NISER.
Ph. D. Thesis of Mrityunjoy Charan, August 2023, NISER.
Postdoctoral fellows:
Arvind Kumar (September, 2017--July, 2018).
Ritwik Pal (January--July, 2021).
Lalit Vaishya (December, 2021--September, 2022).
Mohit Tripathi (April, 2021--August, 2023).
Sandeep E. M. (June, 2023--March, 2024).
M552/MA879-Analytic Number Theory (Spring-2020, Spring-2025), NISER
M302-Rings and Modules (Fall-2016, Fall-2024), NISER
MA706-Groups & Rings (Spring-2024), NISER
M305/MA703-Number Theory (Fall-2023), NISER
MA602-Algebra-II (Fall-2021, Spring-2023), NISER
M471-Advanced Number Theory (Fall-2022), NISER
MA601-Algebra-I (Spring-2022), NISER
M307-Field Theory (Spring-2016, Spring-2018, Spring-2019, Spring-2021), NISER
M101-Mathematics-I (Fall-2020), NISER
M403-Commutative Algebra (Fall-2019), NISER
M601-Algebra I (Fall-2017, Fall-2018), NISER
M560-Modular forms of one variable (Spring-2017), NISER
MA 215-Introduction to Modular forms (Fall-2015), IISc, Bangalore
MATH 311-Elementary Number Theory (Fall-2012), Queen's University, Kingston, Canada
Hostel Warden (2016-2017).
UGCS Convener (2016-2018).
Member, PGCS, SMS (2018-2020, 2022-2024).
Member, UGCS, SMS (2020-2022).
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